Monday 3 November 2008

Wiki njema

It’s been a while since my last blog and all sorts has been occurring. Firstly, I asked for prayer about spending a month on my own in the flat, turns out my new housemate is moving in tomorrow so no time on my own, God has hooked me up on that one! Thanks for praying!

Had an awesome week, I’m becoming more and more convinced that I have the best job ever, I’ll probably change my mind next time I get homesick but I think the rewards far outweigh the struggles.

On Saturday I went down to Kibera to hang out with some of the older girls from the project, they are doing their final exams this week for primary school and as long they don’t get pregnant between now and January they will be starting high school in the new year. We have an awesome opportunity to send some girls to a new secondary boarding school that some friends of Turning Point are setting up, pretty sure its free, the first ever free secondary school in Kenya. The group of kids these girls hang out with in the slum is not a good influence on them at all so we’re praying that they can stay on the tracks to get high school.

My job is to get alongside these girls and encourage them; I had no idea what to do with them so I was praying on my way down. Turned out there was some music event going on by the D.O.s office so we walked back up for that and hung out for a bit, drank soda and had a chat. Then I went back down to church with them for their dance group practice, I’m thinking of becoming the token mzungu member because it was so fun! A good workout too as each song goes on for like 10 minutes each!! Next week when the girls have finished exams they can come to the project during the week to hang out so I’m hoping to take some DVDs down to watch and stuff.

Please pray for these girls and the time we spend hanging out, pray protection for them that they can stand firm in what they know is right when they are hanging out with their friends, it would be awesome if their faith was so strong they could even be a positive influence on their friends.

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