Saturday 10 January 2009

Tony Hart is a hero

Happy new year everyone!

This week was back to work which was ace. January is the start of a new school year in Kenya so the project has all changed round with all the kids moving up. All of prep class and most of transition class has started primary school, transition class have moved up to prep so there are spaces in wadogo and wakubwa for new kids so Pastor and Eunice have been bombarded by mamas wanting to enrol their kids at TP. Transition class is close to empty for now as this is basically for street kids who tend to emerge from somewhere gradually through the year.

We had a long management meeting this week to chat about the year ahead which was mostly boring but also quite exciting at the same time. I came out having all sorts of new jobs to do. The thing I’m most excited about is starting an after school art club for the standard 6-8 girls. I’ll be starting it next week with Margaret, one of the teachers. No idea what we’ll do but it should be fun and a good way to get to know the school kids better and encourage them a bit. We want to restart the football team for the boys too so we are praying for a new coach to come along, preferably someone who can disciple the boys a bit too.

So prayer would be greatly appreciated for Margeret and I as we start the art club this coming week and for a football coach to come along somehow.

An update on Aggrey. Firstly his name is spelt Aggrey not Agri. I won’t lie to you, I was wrong. He has started making and selling soap for washing floors etc. He came to church all excited last Sunday that he had a great week getting out of the house and all his stock was sold, he seemed to have loads more energy and be really upbeat which was really ace to see. His customers have said they prefer green soap to blue so he’s going to make the next batch green. He said he will bring a sample for me this Sunday so I’m looking forward to cleaning my floor.


Papa Bear said...

Hi Ems

Don't forget the sticky backed plastic and pritt sticks


Love Dad

Sue said...

Great to hear your news, sounds as though you're all really busy!Hope the school transitions go well, especially the teenagers.

Glad to hear Aggrey is so much better - bring some soap home with you and you can do my floor too - don't mind if its green or blue!!!!!

love and hugs, Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx