Thursday 22 October 2009


I should give an update on Aggrey. Things aren't as peachy as they seemed when I wrote my last blog. Candy is still with the aunt upcountry, we can't know how she is doing as the aunt won't communicate with Aggrey. He is pursuing a court case but lack of funds slow that down.

The latest thoughts he is having is that he probably isn't in a great position to look after Candy himself at this time so he is focusing on starting up a business that will be able to support them both further down the line. For now he is searching for an organisation that offers capital and ongoing support and advice to set up a small business. Turning Point is an option although it means starting smaller than he would like. He has some other options that he is looking into.

Things are still a real struggle for him, he finds it hard to concentrate and make good decisions about the business as his mind is always with Candy. We are continuing to pray for strength and wisdom for him and for change in his situation.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Sorry to hear that, will pray about the situation and that Candy is being looked after properly.
Is Aggrey doing his business course? Please remember us to him,
love you, Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx